Monday, August 2, 2021

Da Baby and "suck a nigga dick".. Hey, it's journalism

"... suck a dick in the parking lot"...👀

"...suck a nigga dick in the parking lot"...👂

I have no idea who this "Da Baby" person is. I try to avoid folks like him, just like I don't know anything about this obese black woman "tha stallion", and all these other tattooed black "celebrities" who are in the news this week.

But this post is about JOURNALISM. More than 20 years ago, I was an "award-winning journalist", back when that actually meant something. Calling yourself a "professional journalist" was a thing of pride, unlike nowadays, when it has become a joke.

Anyway, this "Da Baby" person is currently the focus of hysterical headline news, because he said Naughty Things about homosexuals. If you don't know, look him up.

If you read 99% of the articles, they quote him as saying:
"Fellas, if you ain't suck a dick in the parking lot...."

But if you listen to the video, he actually says:

"Fellas, if you ain't suck a nigga dick in the parking lot...."

Years ago, you would not have been allowed to alter or censor a direct quote this way, ESPECIALLY involving a controversial subject AND a "celebrity." But this is 2021, and the only rules are woke rules.

I emailed the "National Association of Black Journalists" about the "N word" and black celebrities and direct quotes. Here's my email:
Serious question...

So this "Da Baby" thing is lighting up the internet. I listened to the video, and then I read some articles. There are dozens of articles quote him as saying:
"Fellas, if you ain't suck a dick in the parking lot...."

But when you listen to the video, he actually said:
"Fellas, if you ain’t suck a nigga dick in the parking lot,"

My question for the NABJ is this:
* do you have an official "position" on that word, when used by black people? Meaning: when a black celebrity such as "Da Baby" uses the word, and a journalist is going to quote him, how should that word be handled?
Should it be censored entirely, with no acknowledgement of it? Ie, just ignore it, in a direct quote??? 

Or should it be handled like profanity, and written like "n*gga", or "n***a", or something like that? Da Baby used the word a dozen times or so in a follow-up video. If YOU were writing an article about it, would you fully quote him? Would you censor that word? Would you use **** for that word? Would you acknowledge it, or would you ignore and censor it? And most importantly, as a black journalist organization, what would you advise journalists (of all races) to do, when encountering it in quotes by black people...?

I think this would make an interesting article, and I certainly think it should be written by the NABJ.

Let's see if they reply....💬


Friday, June 4, 2021

opening scene for my script A DENTIST

Captain Ben Salomon was a Jewish dentist who was killed in WWII. His body was found behind his machine gun, with 98 dead Japanese soldiers in front of it. He was later awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism that day....

My script is titled: A DENTIST.

"First he fought against prejudice. Then he fought against the Japanese. Before he became a hero, he was just.... a dentist."


fade in:  the island of Saipan, outside a medical tent....

A MAJOR is talking to a GENERAL, as they walk toward a medical tent. Several other soldiers are with them, carrying folders, and taking notes and pictures.


"This is the tent he was working in, General."

They enter the tent, which was shot up in the recent fighting. Bloodstains are still present, and numerous bullet holes and large tears in the fabric. The Major consults some papers.


"Sergeant Jenkins says that the Captain killed three Japs inside here. They ran in, from that end, and started bayoneting the wounded. They were on the ground, over there. The Captain picked up a rifle and shot them down."


"And the sergeant saw this?"


"Yes sir, he was inside the tent, five feet away. He was one of the medical orderlies. He killed another one himself, with a pistol. He said the Captain put down his scalpel, picked up a rifle, and went to work."


"Outstanding. And then?"


"The fighting grew more intense, so the Captain ordered Sergeant Jenkins to fall back with the surviving wounded men. Then he reloaded his rifle and went toward the fighting, out that way. He told Sergeant Jenkins 'Evacuate all of these wounded men back to safety. … I’m going to hold these guys off as long as I can.'

"That's the last time Sergeant Jenkins saw him, General."

They walk out the back of the tent.


"And over there, at those sandbags, that's where the machine gun was."


"That's where they found his body?"


"Yes sir. Report says.... his body had 76 gunshot wounds. After they killed him, they shot and bayoneted his body over and over. It would appear that they were pretty mad at him."


"I guess so, Major. He killed a hell of a lot of them before they got him. What was the body count? A hundred?"

The Major turns to another soldier.


"Sergeant Turner?"


"Says here, 98 Jap bodies were found in front of the gun, General, all the way back to the ridgeline. There were 4 other American bodies around the gun, though. The Captain took over after they were killed, so some of the body count is probably theirs---"

The General cut him off with a glare that could freeze water.


"Those men aren't being put in for the Medal of Honor, Sergeant. Doctor Solomon is."

Sergeant Turner didn't dare speak again, but he glanced over at the officer beside him...


"Excuse me, General. It's Salomon, not Solomon. And... he wasn't a doctor."


"What? He was the regimental surgeon."


"No, sir. He volunteered to fill in for the regimental surgeon, who was wounded, General. He wasn't a doctor, though. He was a dentist."

The General, speechless, just stares at the Lieutenant for a long moment. Then he turns back toward the fighting position, lost in thought.


"A dentist..... A DENTIST with a machine gun killed 98 Japs. What the hell kind of dentist was he???"

begin flashback